The past two weeks being with my hooman family every one of them hoomans kept saying I looked like a bat or a deer. I was all legs, my hooman granny nicknamed me "Long legged Lou." If them hoomans didn't make fun of my long legs they'd make fun of my huge ears! I was a tiny puppy, only 16 pounds, ofcourse nothing is going to fit me right!
When I was 14 weeks mom put me in the car and we drove so long, it seemed forever! Although my mom seemed upset for some reason, I still fell asleep. When we got to our final destination it was at a place call OKLA-HOM-A!
My mom dropped me off at this scary place, their were different doggies and kitties everywhere! I can't believe my mom left me here, it's so scary!
The man there was VERY nice, but for some reason he made me very sleepy. After I woke up I realized that part of my ears were gone! Can you believe that? I didn't hurt at all, but I do think I looked mighty handsome, I couldn't wait to see my mom and show them off to her.
My mom picked me up several hours later, when I pranced out into the waiting room to where she was, I was still a little drugged up for some reason, she was crying! She said I looked so sad, I kept licking her face to make sure she knew I wasn't in any kind of pain.
I was so proud of my new look, from now on I am going to prance everywhere I go.